Welcome to Brilliant Minds Therapy Services

Brilliant Minds Therapy Services is a children's mental health clinic in Naples, FL. We provide expert care for children struggling with behavioral skills, offering unique and proven therapy that can help overcome the obstacles preventing children from living the full and healthy lifestyles they deserve. Our skilled childcare professionals are known to be patient and caring when dealing with children. In addition, we focus on improving a child's quality of life by providing proper diagnosis and recommendations.

We offer the following:

Brilliant Minds Therapy Services has a dedicated team of child therapists and child counselors to assist your child with individualized mental health plans, enabling easier peer interaction and stronger relationships among family members. Our autism therapists and ADHD therapists have extensive experience and education in working with a wide range of social and behavioral issues, allowing us to help your children develop their social and behavioral skills. For more information about our child care therapy, contact Brilliant Minds Therapy Services today!

School-Based Therapy

School-Based Therapy

At Brilliant Minds Therapy Services, we offer school-based therapy for your children to experience a conducive learning setting. We focus on providing your child with an environment where they can...

Home-Based Therapy

Home-Based Therapy

Brilliant Minds Therapy Services also offers home-based therapy at your convenience. We are here to provide alternative solutions where your child can feel comfortable during therapy sessions...

Clinical Therapy

Clinical Therapy

At Brilliant Minds Therapy Services, we understand the importance of providing children with the support and guidance they need during difficult times. This is why we offer clinical therapy services...

Proudly Serving

Naples, FL